The relationship between repeatability and accuracy of flowmeters

Published: 16-Feb-2024

Flowmeters with high levels of repeatability have significantly better performance and accuracy

The demand for high-accuracy meters in flow measurement has grown over the years, driven by various factors such as stricter government regulations and the need for more precise measurements in critical applications. 

Manufacturers of flow measurement devices like Titan Enterprises are continually investing in research and development to introduce new technologies that enhance the accuracy and performance of their flow measuring instruments.

This includes innovations such as improved sensor technology, advanced signal processing algorithms and enhanced calibration methods.

A significant facet of Titan Enterprises’ R&D is reviewing flowmeter performance and delivering improvements in product design and materials that improves both the accuracy and repeatability of these flow measurement devices. 

Repeatability describes the flowmeter’s ability to produce the same result on repeated runs under identical operating conditions. It's a parameter that is often often defined by the design of the instrument.

Without excellent repeatability, a flowmeter cannot have good performance. 

Titan Enterprises set calibration rigs to record a certain number of pulses depending on the type of meter. 

The flow rigs accurately interpolate the rig and meter pulses and will not accept a reading unless it is within pre-set limits, usually set at 0.1% of repeated points. 

Repeatability is expressed as a ± percentage.

Repeatability can deteriorate at low flow rates, so manufacturers may specify this value as a percentage plus a constant uncertainty value, or as a percentage of full-scale reading, rather than a percentage of measured flow rate.

Titan’s small turbine flow meters are successfully employed in batching processes and dispensing applications — particularly within the food and beverage, chemical, medical and laboratory sectors. 

They have proven repeatability (±0.1%), making them ideal for dosing systems and can be calibrated in-situ.

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