Concept Life Sciences multimillion pound expansion programme

Published: 2-Mar-2017

Concept Life Sciences Group has announced its intention to significantly increase its investment in laboratory capacity and scientific staff

Michael Fort, Concept’s Executive Chairman said: “The last two years has seen our company successfully integrate its acquired businesses and build a fully joined up service in chemistry, biology and analytics to our markets in biopharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, consumer and environmental services.

“During 2017 we plan to expand our laboratory operations by over 30% and our scientific staff by a similar number.”

By the end of the year we expect to employ 200 staff qualified to higher degree and PhD level.

“By the end of the year we expect to employ 200 staff qualified to higher degree and PhD level bringing our total complement to 700 heads. This is a reflection of both the growth experienced during 2016 and on early indications for 2017.”

The Group has been formed from the merger of Scientific Analysis Laboratories, REC, Peakdale Molecular, CXR Biosciences and Agenda1. To reflect the integrated nature of the Group, all business will trade under the brand Concept Life Sciences from March 1st and into sub divisions of Integrated Discovery and Development Services and Analytical Services.

We have built an organisation that delivers one of the widest range of analytical services available in Europe.

Further acquisitions are expected over the coming months to complement its recent service additions into computational chemistry and translational biology. Additionally, new services in food technology through its Analytical Services Division are planned in 2017.

“We are currently also recruiting at a senior level in the US, particularly on the West Coast, to specifically address that client group,” said Paul Doyle, recently appointed Chief Scientific Officer.

Concluding, Michael Fort added: “The rationale for the creation of the Concept Life Sciences Group was the recognition of a need in the market for a service organisation that is science led. We have built an organisation that delivers one of the widest range of analytical services available in Europe.”

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