Free test trial of ViscoQC 100/300 rotational viscometers

Published: 27-May-2022

Do you need an easy-to-use viscometer that provides convenient operation for the most reliable and traceable viscosity results in your day-to-day work?

ViscoQC rotational viscometers ensure the quality of your substance: from liquid to semi-solid.

Eliminate the risk of measurement errors and free up your time and budget with the simplest spindle exchange mechanism, automatic spindle detection, automatic speed searching function for new formulations and more.

All of these brilliant features have been developed to make your life easier. Your existing SOPs can be easily converted if the same set-up and settings are used.

Try it, love it! Seize this unique opportunity to test our new rotational viscometers for free and be amazed by the unique magnetic spindle coupling, automatic spindle detection ... and a lot more.

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