Scientists can use the enhanced user interface to edit, run and save protocols, while for the first time users of the CFX96 Touch and the CFX384 Touch can view qPCR amplification traces in real time without an attached computer.
The C1000 Touch thermal cycler is suitable for high-throughput labs, core facilities, and GLP labs that require fast turnaround time and flexibility. It includes the Protocol Autowriter feature, which creates a protocol in three easy steps. The patented, reduced-mass sample block offers faster time to target temperature and the only gradient-enabled dual block on the market, the company says.
The CFX96 Touch and CFX384 Touch systems combine the optical technology of the CFX optical reaction modules with the precise thermal control of the C1000 Touch chassis. These systems are for labs that require high performance, ease of use, and high throughput.
Researchers who would like to improve the accuracy of their real-time PCR experiments by following Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments (MIQE) guidelines can use qbasePLUS qPCR data analysis software to combine and validate data for publication.