Fighting cancer with ruthenium complexes

Published: 5-Feb-2015

Ruthenium complexes are promising agents to induce apoptosis and inhibit growth of tumour cells which makes them a centerfold in investigations to cure cancer

Ruthenium complexes are promising agents to induce apoptosis and inhibit growth of tumour cells which makes them a centerfold in investigations to cure cancer. Microwave synthesis can support the anticancer-drug research by efficient methods to generate various ruthenium complex derivatives.

In recent years G-quadruplex DNA has been a target for antitumour drugs as it is closely related to tumour cell growth. Especially ruthenium complexes of small polycyclic molecules bind strongly to G-quadruplex DNA stabilising it and inducing apoptosis. Therefore the interest in quick and simple methods to prepare such promising agents is evident.

In the current work, two co-ordinated ruthenium complexes have been prepared under microwave irradiation. In this approach the unique silicon carbide (SiC) reaction vessel was used to make heating of the applied non-polar, thus low microwave-absorbing, solvent even more efficient. The rapid heating within the SiC vessel helps to give access to the desired compounds in short time keeping reaction cycles to a minimum.

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