Held in Chester, UK, the Filtration Society’s Filter Testing Conference and Exhibition was the place to be for filtration experts on 13/14 October 2010. Attracted by the unique format, and recognised by industry as a valued training opportunity, both the pre-conference short course and the main programme achieved maximum capacity.
Additionally, the practical ‘Technology Burst’ commercial presentations directed visitors towards newly launched products available for hands-on examination at associated Filter Testing exhibition stands.
‘The high level of interest and commitment from the short-course attendees and conference delegates alike meant that we had a full house throughout the event,’ said conference organiser Dr Graham Rideal of Whitehouse Scientific.
‘Filter testing is a subject of widespread interest and importance. And we have only to consider the filtration issues surrounding the potential effects of volcanic ash on aircraft engines, or the complexities of setting and meeting specifications for automotive emissions to understand why.’
Formed in London in 1964, the Filtration Society is a charitable organisation with the objective of technology transfer of existing filtration and separation technologies and promoting research and development into new areas. For full details of upcoming events and to find out more about the work of the Filtration Society visit www.filtsoc.org.