How contract manufacturers can bridge the innovation–commercialisation divide

Published: 4-May-2017

With R&D budgets under pressure, the pharmaceutical industry would do well to look to the contract manufacturing sector for innovative approaches and technologies that could make production more effective and efficient, and achieve more with finite resources

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Manufacturing Chemist (MC) talks with Mark Hammond, Commercial Director at Aesica, about the many ways innovation can deliver measureable value across the entire process stream, gaining insight into the rapidly changing environment in which today’s pharmaceutical manufacturers are operating.

MC: How has the role of the contract manufacturer changed in recent years?

Hammond: It’s always been the case that contract development and manufacturing organisations (CDMOs) have had to stay flexible to meet the changing needs of the pharma industry. As Big Pharma has modified its business models, manufacturers have had to rapidly adapt to identify and meet gaps in the industry’s manufacturing capacity.

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