Water way to innovate

Published: 22-Feb-2017

The pharmaceutical industry requires specific grades of water for different applications. Kalpesh Shah, Veolia Water Technologies, takes a 360° look at water usage, supply options and overall cost efficiencies

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A study of the pharmaceutical industry by the UK University of Hertfordshire in 2013 found that “because water use is viewed as a comparatively inexpensive resource, this undermines investment in water-efficient technologies.”

This is no surprise. Mention “water” in the same sentence as “pharmaceutical production” and most pharmaceutical engineers immediately think of compendial Purified Water and Water for Injection (WFI).

As both are critical and relatively expensive ingredients in the industry’s products, this is quite reasonable, but they should not be considered in isolation.

A typical pharmaceutical facility uses water for a variety of purposes and an overall water management approach can be beneficial both environmentally and financially.

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