ACG awarded ‘Great Place To Work’ certification for a fourth consecutive year

Published: 17-Apr-2024

The award recognises employers that create an outstanding experience for employees

ACG, the world’s largest integrated supplier and service provider to the pharmaceutical industry, has announced that for the fourth consecutive year, it has achieved the ‘Great Place To Work’ certification. 

This certification recognises employers who create an outstanding employee experience.

Within ACG, five business units (capsules, corporate, scitech – Research and Development Centre, machinery, and inspection), have been certified as a ‘Great Place to Work’. 

The comprehensive study, spanning five locations in India, encompassed approximately 3000 associates across management and plant categories. The process entailed a thorough survey based on key levers that define an organisation's culture.

Sunil Jha, Group CHRO of ACG Group, commented: “ACG thrives on collaboration through cross-functional teamwork, and – at all times – we prioritise the wellbeing of our associates.”


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