Manufacturing Chemist Stand Side with Lonza

Published: 21-Nov-2023

Giovanna Libralon, Head of Business Development, EMEA, Lonza Small Molecules, talked to Manufacturing Chemist Stand Side about the positive and negative impacts it's had on the CDMO market

It’s been a challenging few years for the pharmaceutical industry, with the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath greatly affecting the way everyone operates.

At CPHI Barcelona, Giovanna Libralon, Head of Business Development, EMEA, Lonza Small Molecules, talked to Manufacturing Chemist Stand Side about the positive and negative impacts it's had on the CDMO market.

She also discussed the increasingly important role of biotech companies in Lonza's customer base and what they might be looking for in a contract service provider — especially in terms of working with a single-source provider from preclinical to commercial.

In addition, Giovanna highlighted Lonza's new PBPK modelling and Route Scouting services, and explained how the company is putting a focus on sustainability and investing in their current and future offerings to improve customer service.

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