Webinar on in-vitro alternatives

Published: 25-May-2017

Upcoming webinar by Wickham Laboratories

Wickham Laboratories are offering a free webinar to discuss the challenges of transitioning from in-vivo to in-vitro methods.

The lastest webinar is: “The Push for In-Vitro Alternatives in Toxicology: Understanding the Process Behind Developing Alternative Safety Testing.”

It which will take place on 29 June at 3pm GMT (10am EST).

During this webinar, technical experts will discuss the importance of understanding the process and complications involved in the development and validation of in-vitro alternatives, including a case study where the limitations of various methods are considered.

Those tuning in can ask questions regarding the development process in the open Q&A session afterward.

Registration is now open and access to more inforrmation can be found here.

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